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To open an account

Taking care of their customers, Raiffeisen Bank offers all types of accounts in accordance with the needs of each of them

Cards with the best options!

New payment cards


Free of charge

Cash at cash-desk

Withdraw cash from your card for free at cash registers in retail chains


Current account

The current account in the bank will help to quickly and without significant expenses on commission remittances to carry out transfers in Ukraine and abroad, as well as to receive funds in this account from individuals and legal entities.


About 5000 active accounts

Custody services

Faster payments between banks


IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is a standardized international format of the account number, consisting of letters and numbers, which apart from the account number contains the country code (UA) and MFO of the bank.


Programs Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode

Internet Commerce

Raiffeisen Bank  together with the company «Ukrainian processing centre” — certified provider of electronic payments — offers cooperation to Internet shops in the sphere of Internet acquiring, in particular the acceptance of payment cards for payment of goods and services via the Internet.


Additional offers

Raiffeisen Online


Apple Pay

Useful information

Yes. We invite you to use the services of a bank for opening and servicing current accounts - in national and foreign currencies (US dollars, Euros, Russian Rubles and British Pounds Sterling).

You can track charges and debits by registering with the Raiffeisen Online application.

  • The original of your passport or other identification document.
  • The original of your identification number or the relevant passport of the State Tax Service in your passport.
  • For non-residents - a document confirming the place of residence.

  • in the Raiffeisen Online application - Billing;
  • in the contract;
  • on the website of the respective organization (for SWIFT transfers).

You can close an account at any bank branch with the relevant documents (take your passport and plastic cards associated with the bill).

The service opening and maintenance of current accounts for private individuals is provided on the terms and conditions of the Banking servicing agreement, which is concluded for an unlimited period.

After the closure of all accounts (including the deposit accounts) and full repayment of the debt to the Bank, the Customer has the right to initiate the termination of the Agreement (refuse from the Agreement) at any time within the effective period of the Agreement by applying to the Bank’s branch with the respective written application.

The changes and amendments to the Agreement are introduced by the Bank by restating the Banking servicing rules for private individuals in Raiffeisen Bank Aval in a new version and publishing the respective new version on the website of the Bank once per month on the twenty-fifth day of the month (if the twenty-fifth day of the month is not a working day or is a holiday, the respective new version is published on the first working day following this day). The respective frequency of introduction of changes into the Rules is not applied, if the introduction of changes is required due to the necessity to align the terms and conditions of the Agreement with the requirements of the law of Ukraine (in such cases, the updated Rules are published on the Bank’s website and come into effect starting from the date indicated therein). The Customer is obliged to read the new (updated) Rules on the twenty-fifth day of each month.The amount of costs subject to payment by the customer and/or the procedure of its calculation, including taxes, are defined in the Tariffs.

Out-of-court consideration of the customers’ complaints is carried out through the consideration by the Bank of the customers’ complaints and applications according to the procedure and within the period defined in the law of Ukraine On applications of citizens.

The Bank is the participant of the Deposits Guarantee fund that guarantees the reimbursement of the customer’s funds under his/her accounts opened in the Bank.The service is provided by Raiffeisen Bank Aval JSC, NBU license №10 of 18.06.2018; EDRPOU code 14305909; entered into the State register of the Banks on 27.03.1992 under number 94; location: 9, Leskova Str., Kyiv, 01011; contact telephone numbers: 0 (800) 500-500 (044) 490-88-88; e-mail address; the state regulation of the Bank’s activities is carried out by the National Bank of Ukraine  (9, Instytutska Str.,Kyiv, 01601; Hot line: 0800 505 240). The complaints of the financial services consumers may be filed at the Bank’s branches located at addresses, or by phone by calling the Bank’s Call Center at 0 (800) 500-500 (044) 490-88-88, as well as by e-mail by sending the letters to the address